Taking Your Senior Photos With Your Pet

Senior Photos With Your Pet

It’s no secret, a lot of us have a non bi-logical member of the family, who may live either outside or inside our home. Either way, you love them and they are an important part of your life, so it makes sense that you would want to include  your pet in some of your senior photos ( if not all of them).

To make this a fun and successful experience for your both, here are a few questions and pointers to consider before your session.

How does your pet generally behave? Before you choose a photographer and a location, consider what your pet is like around new people (your photographer) and can they easily travel? Does your pet need distractions (treats, toys) to maintain good composure? Are they calm in nature regardless of environment? Knowing your pet’s personality and behavior will help you better plan your session.

Bring a trusted person with you. I would advise that you bring someone along with you to your session, who knows and is able to care for your pet.  They can then occupy and take care of your pet whilst you experience the rest of your session. Your pet may not be in all the photos with you,

Have a carrier or leash with you. This usually refers to cats or dogs. Depending on where your session will take place, you want to bring something along that will help, temporarily, keep your pet out of harms way.

Bring some treats. If your pet responds well  to treats as a reward for good behavior, bring them along. It will generally be a benefit and who doesn’t want a picture of you rewarding your pet.

Think twice about the location. The location you pick should fit in with your pet. If you know that your pet would go crazy in a setting where there’s a lot to do and see, you may want to have your shoot at home, your backyard, on your farm or in a quieter park instead.

Schedule a grooming session. In the same way that you would want to look good for your senior photos, your pet should look as amazing too. Schedule a grooming the day before or the day of your shoot (if applicable), depending on the time and whats convenient for you.

girl with her horse on farm Georgia


Choose the right outfit. Find an outfit that compliments your pets if you choose to go that route. Your outfit should be easy to move in so you can be captured interacting with your pet, if that is the look you are going for. The outfit not show hair or dirt easily, in the case that your pet sheds hair or trails dirt on you. To make it fun you can also match your outfit to your pet’s collar or bow,  whatever you choose to dress them in.

Relax into it. You never quite know what might happen during a photo session with a pet so it’s best to simply have fun and go with the flow. Not every photo with your pet needs to be perfect. I opt for candid photos. Photos of the moment, reside more with my clients, than posed ones.

When you think of photo sessions with a pet, you may be thinking cats or dogs but remember that you can include any type of pet you want to. You may just want to check with your photographer whether there are any pets they haven’t or would prefer not to work with.

Contact JLondon Images today to discuss your senior portraits with your pet in the Metro Atlanta, GA area. I will be more than happy to bring your vision to life

girl and her horse in Dawsonville, GA