Motivating Family for Photos| Metro Atlanta Photographer

3 Things You Can Do To Get Family Buy-In

It’s officially fall and its “Family Fall Portrait Season” over here.

I have received emails asking me key questions about the family sessions. Although I have personally responded to those emails, I wanted to also share some of these questions and  responses with you in case you had the same hesitations. 

Today’s question was to do with family buy-in. There is always one or two people who don’t want to take part in the session. Here is what I have done in the past and shared with past clients.  One, or a combination of the following few usually works. ( no guarantees)

In my thirteen years of photography, there is usually a common thread that I hate to admit, but have to be honest about. Some members of the family may not be as excited about getting their portrait taken. This is perfectly normal. My husband used to be one of those people. Until I prepared him mentally and emotionally for the event.

🧡Prepare the individual:  You will find that they are more likely to have their buy-in and cooperation on the day if you prepare them ahead of time. A lot of people do not like surprises. so provide them with a timeline, or prepare their outfit for them so they do not have to think about it

🧡Plan an event for after the session: Maybe a date night, going out to dinner, getting ice-cream or going to the movies after the session could be ideas that motivate your family.

Some may call it a bribe, I call it a buy-in.

Here’s what a previous client had to say.

🧡Sharing how your family members can benefit from the session is definitely a great way to motivate them. My daughters love the fact that they will get their hair done and a brand new outfit from doing the session. As they have gotten older, I have allowed them to consult on outfit ideas and choices, which they appreciate a lot.


🧡Letting your family members know how long the session will be is definitely a plus. So tell them 😍😉

🧡 Bringing along favorite toys and snacks are great incentives for after the session as well.

🧡Lastly, having them meet me on the video consult call allows any nerves about who I am, your photographer, fade away. They are usually more relaxed and become more comfortable and excited about the session as I address any hesitations they may have. 
So, schedule a complimentary consultation today

Use this link. Come prepared with your family, ideas and questions.